Monday, November 1, 2010

Stolen Furniture: Boys Can't Count

So I live in a dorm, on a floor that is divided into a boys' pod and a girls' pod. Each pod has a common room. There are 2 couches, 2 tables, and various chairs and endtables in each pod. At least, there were at the beginning of the term. Slowly over the past few months the girls' pod has been losing furniture. A chair here, a table there. About 2 weeks ago we lost a couch. This was kind of okay because the girls don't really go out into the pod at all. It's a dead zone. The boys, however, are always in their's. It was annoying but okay. But, about a week ago we lost the other couch and a lot of chairs. For some reason I could not let this go. I complained incessantly. I was rallying my suitemates to go steal it back. But, I am definitely all talk. I'm an idea person. I do not make things happen.
So today I came back from class and said to my roommate and her friend, "I wouldn't mind all of the missing furniture if we just filled the common room with bean bag chairs". Because I can't go for more than like 5 minutes without complaining about this. Then her friend said we should go steal some chairs because she was bored. To which, I of course said no. We argued. They left to go do it. After about 25 seconds I realized that this was all my idea and I could not let it go down without me. So I ran after them. We snuck in, grabbed some chairs and stood there. Then, we hear voices. So I bolted with the chair and they ran after me. I was done after that. They said we should get couches. I said no. They went. Then we knocked on my suitemates door and they decided to help, so it just kind of snowballed from there. We took 4 couches, 4 tables, and a bunch of chairs.
The boys were slightly outraged. We sat in the pod for hours coloring and every now and then a new group would come in and rant. But they all said, "Well where is the rest of the furniture?". And we were like what are you talking about. They proceeded to insist that they've had 4 couches all year. They could not believe that they didn't. They thought we'd just misplaced all of our furniture. This happened many times. It was the same conversation over and over again, but I have video proof that we had 2 couches. I did a tour of our common room before this happened and made it a youtube video. RIGHT HERE. In the end, they just brought over their TV and XBOX and played FIFA all night. And we colored and hung out with them and it's been a lot of fun for everyone. So...SUCCESS. They took a couch and a chair back, but that's okay.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Have you ever noticed that we pronounce woman like wOman, but women like wImen? It's supposed to be the vowel at the end that's changed, not the one at the beginning.

Birthday Week

Just no.

So lots of times in college you get these things called roommates. I feel very ambivalently(a word I like using but have been using wrong. I used it as having no feeling whatsoever, but it means a love/hate sort of feeling.)toward mine. Most of the time I guess I'm on the hate end of the spectrum, but not in an "Oh my gosh, she needs to leave kind of way". She drives me insane because she is LAZY!! and the opposite of smart. I really value intelligent people so, in my world, stupid is a crime.

The other day I turned on the TV and Becoming Jane was just starting. And I say: "Oh, I love this movie!" and she says: "Is it an old movie," to which I reply "No, it's with Anne Hathaway. It's about Jane Austen." And then she says..."Who is Jane Austen". I spent the rest of the day just walking around bewildered.

Recently she took to almost killing us numeous times on the highway. She was just talking to her friend, fixing her wig, texting, and other perfectly acceptable things like that. She was speeding. The car did whatever you would call hydroplaning if there was no water, so it planed then(more than once). I will not get in her car again. I don't need groceries or anything that badly.

On to the lazy, she often goes to sleep around 2:30 in the morning and wakes up between 5 and 7 at night. Her obnoxiously loud phone goes off continually the whole day, but she ignores it. She doesn't clean or shower much.

Then there's the "injuries". She joined a sports team but never really goes because of things like scraped knees or a sore back. She gets minor injuries all of the time and just talks about them like she's dying. She tried to call the school's emergency hotline in the middle of the night because she had a bad scrape on her knee that she got at 11am that day.

But, she's really not that bad. She means well. She's just rude, not-so-bright, and spoiled. She always tries to be nice to me, so I really can't hate her; and I don't. I'm easy to annoy to. You'd never know because my insides aren't connected to my outsides. Inside I'm depressed, annoyed, furious, and cynical; but on the outside I can't stop myself from being helpful, cheery, and calm. I don't mind though. I don't think other people should have to pay for my bad moods, and I like my privacy.

So because she's not really being mean, I've taken to dealing with her by finding little ways to annoy her like she annoys me. I leave my phone volume all the way up and text a lot. I threw away our recycling box without consulting her(it was a nuisance). I turn lights and the TV on and off when she's sleeping. I talk really loudly on the phone. Just anything. If she does it, then I do too. I really hate being in people's way and being rude, so none of these things would usually be happening. It makes me feel better. It's a fun way to let of steam. Just go see how annoying you can be. So far, she really doesn't seem to have noticed.

P.S. Her birthday is Wednesday so she calls this her birthday week. I'm sorry, but it is called a birthDAY. You can't claim a whole week. She's been talking about it since August. She's going to be devastated if the entire world is not celebrating all of this week.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Government Textbook on Twitter

I'd really like to just type up this whole article. I don't use Twitter but I think it makes sense. However, typing it up is definitely copyright infringement, so here's basically what it says:

People's perception is that Twitter is a vain waste of time equivalent to reading a trashy magazine or gossiping on the phone. It's one of the 50 most popular websites in the world, but it has no real value.

The reality is that Twitter is an important medium for news and politics. News stories are often reported on Twitter first and then picked up by the media. Twitter is also useful in measuring public opinion. The book cites James Buck as an example. He was arrested in Egypt, but was able to send updates on his condition to Twitter and was subsequently released the next day. It also notes that updates on terrorist attacks in India came from eyewitnesses tweeting, and that Twitter was the one of the only forms of communication available to Iranian protestors when their government shut down most internet outlets.

I don't have twitter because I think it is a bit vain, and I just really don't want another account to maintain; but I think it definitely has value.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Living in Florida

The only people who are really okay with living in Florida were born here and don't know any better. Most of us weren't born here. We introduce ourselves by giving people our names and asking them where they're from. Then we complain and lament the fact that we ever moved here. It's just not a happy place. The sun and the heat are unbearable. People in Florida don't actually go outside. That's all a facade. We hide in our houses wearing hoodies with our central air on 74 degrees. I bet you any given person in Florida has more hoodies than anyone in like Michigan. You literally can't see when you walk outside and you immediately lose your energy. The heat just drains you. But it does happen to get pretty cold in winter. We hit 30 and 40 degrees too. It just bounces around a lot and never actually gets cold enough to snow, which is heartwrenching. Holidays are ugly. Decorations are tacky, but most people just don't bother. The sky and everything else turns a miserable dingy gray, but it never snows. You also can't walk outside barefoot in Florida. The grass is dead and dry, but mostly it's sand spurs. They're these little spiky balls that cover almost every bit of land and will embed themselves in your skin. It's miserable.

Don't fool yourself into belieing that if you visit Florida you'll go to Disney World all of the time or live at the beach. The beach is an overcrowded mess. But if you're willing to drive for it you can find a good one. No one ever goes to Disney or Universal unless it's for school trips. You at least won't go more than you did when you had to fly here. Everyone admits that they never really go. You could go at any time, so you just never do.

The school system down here is abysmal. No one knows anything. We're way behind other states. The job market is a mess. Florida has one of the highest unemployment rates and is a right-to-work state. I don't know exactly what a right-to-work state is, but it sure gives my dad hell. He's been working at the same company for 5 years and has never gotten raise, but sure has been put in charge of an entire warehouse. Government aid for college is quite good though. That's why I'm still here.

Housing in Florida is also..suckish. The houses here are mostly small; one-story; flourescent pink, yellow, green, purple, etc.; and expensive. It tooks us months to get used to it. They're so tiny and sooooo expensive! No basements, no attics. They're just plain ugly. Even the 2-story houses look ridiculus. Walk-in closets also don't really exist down here.

Anyways, I'm sure there's more, but this is already long and rambling. Just don't.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Answer is Love

Have you ever noticed that the answer is always love. Like the only way to resolve any story is to make something up and say it's because of love. I'm not really complaining because love really is that important and it shows what matters to us as humans, but it's weird. Most obviously this is apparent in Harry Potter. It also happens in LOTR. I was watching Heroes and Charles told Peter that he would save the world because of love. It was like watching a black Dumbledore tell a hot emo-haired Harry Potter that the answer is love. Also, in my favorite movie Stardust (spoiler alert), everything is fixed because Yvaine hugs Tristan and they love eachother. That is all=]

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All By Myself

I'm in college. (It's easier than you'd think by the way. Don't fear college.)I like it. I have an okay roommate, and I go to the Nerd Club, and 4 classes is a breeze compared to 7 in high school. But I'm amazingly depressed. Reasonably though. I'm incredibly alone. Everything I do is just wrong. My room won't stay clean. I drop and spill things all the time. Nothing ever works out. Everytime I take a risk and share my opinion I get shot back down. I'm afraid to talk and move and think. I've resolved to stop going to events and out with people because I know it won't turn out okay. I keep making efforts and everything just explodes in my face. So all I do is sit here and think about how much of a failure I truly am. I don't know what to do. I really tried for a month. Everything has been a disappointment. And it's so easy to make me happy. I really don't want much. I just want something to be involved in and someone who's easy to talk to. I've never had either. I've learned that I'm definitely not a nerd. I'm nowhere near good enough for them. Nerds are at least friends with other nerds. I don't know what to do there. I'm not cool and I don't want to be. But I haven't read enough comic books, watched enough TV Shows, learned enough about technology. I'm not good enough for ANYONE. I expect nothing from anybody because if I did I'd die of disappointment in a week. I can't let myself feel. I truly believe that all that matters is the people you care about. Life is about great experiences. It's about passion and caring and feeling. I don't want a lot of money. I do not want to be famous or powerful. I just want people. I want friends and a family and memories and to laugh. I put so much effort and all of my heart into people and they just couldn't care less. I really don't want much.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I am going to try to blog without any predetermined direction. Here goes it. So my house has been a little stressful lately, but I'm leaving for college in 6 days. I'm not excited about escaping though. That's not at all my thought process. I feel bad for skipping out and leaving everyone else to deal with it all. I tend to feel bad about everything though. However, I am really excited to do something aside from watching Youtube videos. I love Youtube (27 open video tabs currently). My favorites of the moment are Eddplant and Mike Lombardo. This can be a spew about my love of Youtube! I started watching Charlie when my boyfriend of three years broke up with me and I couldn't sleep. It is the best void-filler ever. I'm a total misanthropic loner too, so it was like having friends without having to deal with people. You would never believe that that website has so much better content than music videos and kittens. It's totally a thriving little community full of talent and brilliance and sincerity. It's a great place for nerds too. It definitely made nerd the new cool. Everything is about books, video games, politics, and so much more. It makes the world such a small place. I've never learned so much about foreign places and cultures and people. Through Youtube I've found my favorite band, tv show,...everything I love really. I'm not sure whether this is a better testament to how awesome Youtube is or how lame I am.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Harry Potter Themes

Lately I've been obsessing over what I would tell someone if they asked me what the themes in Harry Potter are. I have a slightly gargantuan list established, however I've always been a little fuzzy on what exactly a theme is. Ironically, I love English class and intend on majoring in English Literature in college this fall (You'd think I could at least understand themes!). So my list includes:
1. Love
2. Loyalty
3. Family/Friendship
4. Good VS Evil
5. Free Will/The Power of Choices
6.Life Isn't Fair
7. Appearances Are Not What They Seem
8. Bravery
9. Overcoming Pain/Trial/Circumstances
10.The Inadequacy of Government/Anarchy
11.Quest for Power
12. Everyone Dies/Accepting Death
14. Equatlity/The Worth of All People
15. The Strenght of Outcasts
There are probably more. I'm pretty sure that Dumbledore's having blue eyes is a theme. It's often mentioned. Let me know if you think of any or if there are any blaring issues with this list.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Doctor Who!

Okay, my all-time favorite TV show ever is Doctor Who. It's a British show about a timelord who travels through time and space in his spaceship called a tardis. The show has run for a total of over 20 years (from the 60's to the 80's and starting up again in 2005). Sadly I've only seen the newer version, but I'd love to see the old ones. The Doctor, this timelord, has the amazing ability to regenerate if he is killed. So, there have been 11 doctors. The tenth doctor is by far the most brilliant man ever. He is played by the amazing David Tennant of Scotland (also Hamlet, Casanova, Barty Crouch Jr.). I absolutely adore him. As of last year though, he quit the show to be replaced by the lovely Matt Smith. Matt is the youngest Doctor ever at 26. So, we're 4 episodes into Matt Smith's first series and he is indeed quite brilliant. He's no David Tennant, but golly he is amazing in his own right. The first episode, The Eleventh Hour, was spectacular. It was exciting, suspenseful, brilliantly written and acted...It was just beautiful. The Beast Below, being the second episode, was very clever and heart-breaking, but as much as I know that I just wasn't feeling it. I think I was just having an off day. At the Victory of the Daleks, however, things started to go down hill. It was a cool idea, but the plot was poorly-developed. And, how about we give the Daleks a rest!! They're getting overrated. They were pretty and it was cool, but ugh. It was not too terribly interesting. Then comes the Time of the Angels. This episode had SO MUCH POTENTIAL. I was so very excited and so very disappointed. First of all. River Song is useless and stupid and I do not like her. There was no need to bring her back already anyways. Of all the people to be the Doctor's maybe "wife", her? No, she's just annoying. She has spunk and she's smart, but she's arrogant and annoying and just blech. I can't imagine the Doctor and her ever. She's poorly-written and casted. The parts just about the angels are wonderful. The villain saves this episode. It's exciting and brilliant. I can't wait to see what happens with them. Other than that, the episode was kind of a fail. One multi-faceted problem throughout the whole series so far though, is that Amy is doing the Doctor's job. The Doctor is brilliant, but not brilliant enough. He's moody and wrong...a lot! If Amelia Pond was not there, he would be dead. Amy always saves herself and most of the time everyone else as well. The Doctor is acting as the companion and the companion as the Doctor. It's seriously aggravating. Steven Moffat, the writer, went from being brilliant to being a dunce in the course of a month. It really sucks because Matt Smith is a great Doctor and his part is not being written very well. He could be so much more awesome.
(In America, Doctor Who is on BBC America Saturdays at 9:00 PM. Watch it, it's terrific!)