Monday, May 10, 2010

Doctor Who!

Okay, my all-time favorite TV show ever is Doctor Who. It's a British show about a timelord who travels through time and space in his spaceship called a tardis. The show has run for a total of over 20 years (from the 60's to the 80's and starting up again in 2005). Sadly I've only seen the newer version, but I'd love to see the old ones. The Doctor, this timelord, has the amazing ability to regenerate if he is killed. So, there have been 11 doctors. The tenth doctor is by far the most brilliant man ever. He is played by the amazing David Tennant of Scotland (also Hamlet, Casanova, Barty Crouch Jr.). I absolutely adore him. As of last year though, he quit the show to be replaced by the lovely Matt Smith. Matt is the youngest Doctor ever at 26. So, we're 4 episodes into Matt Smith's first series and he is indeed quite brilliant. He's no David Tennant, but golly he is amazing in his own right. The first episode, The Eleventh Hour, was spectacular. It was exciting, suspenseful, brilliantly written and acted...It was just beautiful. The Beast Below, being the second episode, was very clever and heart-breaking, but as much as I know that I just wasn't feeling it. I think I was just having an off day. At the Victory of the Daleks, however, things started to go down hill. It was a cool idea, but the plot was poorly-developed. And, how about we give the Daleks a rest!! They're getting overrated. They were pretty and it was cool, but ugh. It was not too terribly interesting. Then comes the Time of the Angels. This episode had SO MUCH POTENTIAL. I was so very excited and so very disappointed. First of all. River Song is useless and stupid and I do not like her. There was no need to bring her back already anyways. Of all the people to be the Doctor's maybe "wife", her? No, she's just annoying. She has spunk and she's smart, but she's arrogant and annoying and just blech. I can't imagine the Doctor and her ever. She's poorly-written and casted. The parts just about the angels are wonderful. The villain saves this episode. It's exciting and brilliant. I can't wait to see what happens with them. Other than that, the episode was kind of a fail. One multi-faceted problem throughout the whole series so far though, is that Amy is doing the Doctor's job. The Doctor is brilliant, but not brilliant enough. He's moody and wrong...a lot! If Amelia Pond was not there, he would be dead. Amy always saves herself and most of the time everyone else as well. The Doctor is acting as the companion and the companion as the Doctor. It's seriously aggravating. Steven Moffat, the writer, went from being brilliant to being a dunce in the course of a month. It really sucks because Matt Smith is a great Doctor and his part is not being written very well. He could be so much more awesome.
(In America, Doctor Who is on BBC America Saturdays at 9:00 PM. Watch it, it's terrific!)